American Spy Against Russia: New York Times Goes From Scream to Gurgle

The New York Times went with a story by Messrs. Barnes, Goldman and Sanger on…

Democratic Presidential Debates Are A Disaster

On July 30 and 31, 2019 (and in June, 2019), I witnessed so-called presidential…

Robert M. Morgenthau

Bob Morgenthau died on July 21, 2019, ten days before what would have been his…

July 4, 2019

As we celebrate America's anniversary we also celebrate the anniversary of each…

Biden and Race

Biden is getting a raw deal on race that epitomizes the ambitious nobodies…

Barack, Michelle, Hillary and Chelsea Go Hollywood: Boffo or Bomb?

After making a deal with Netflix about a year ago, in April the Obamas…

Mueller Speaks: A Roadmap To Impeachment

Special Counsel Robert Mueller gave a ten-minute explanation of his report's…

Do Democrats Win in 2020 With Investigations as a Prelude?

Probably not. On April 2, I wrote here that because the energy (if not the…

Trump in 2020 is Likely As Of Now

Overnight is an eternity in politics. That should not deter Democrats from…

Republicans and Democrats Agree! All Hate Government Secrecy

Today (and every day) the practice of keeping the government's activities out…