Mimi Sheraton

This month I lost a good friend. Mimi Sheraton, brilliant food writer and…

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Exxon Loses To Climate Change Activism

In a stunning victory and a tectonic change in the effectiveness of…

The Government Does Not Know How to Spend Money on Labor-Intensive Programs

The Administration's vast plans for "infrastructure" and for transforming…

Mary Trump Unloads On Her Uncle Donald

When a family member who hates you and takes you apart in a new book…

Nobody Knows Anything

So said William Goldman in his "Adventures in the Screen Trade," to…

Democrats In Trouble

Passing the debacle of Iowa as a convenient Republican example of why the…

Amazon Attacked by Reckless New York Pols

Amazon's commitment to build its HQ2 in New York and Virginia is under…

A Visit to My Facebook Settings

I have a dodo's technical skills but I know when I'm being had by tech…