The Impeachment Trial

The impeachment trial is like a play, a long one, where you know the…

Senate Impeachment Trial: Changing the Rules or Reinterpreting Them

Although you'd never know it from reading the august New York Times or the…

Impeachment is a Severe Headache

Unlike elections where you have a winner and a loser, the two proposed…

Impeachment Hearing First Day: Lukewarm

The hearing of two witnesses on Wednesday, November 13 was a…

Rudy and the Feds

SEE ADDENDUM DATED NOVEMBER 28, 2019   When an anti-Trump or an anti-…

Robert M. Morgenthau

Bob Morgenthau died on July 21, 2019, ten days before what would have been…

Mueller Speaks: A Roadmap To Impeachment

Special Counsel Robert Mueller gave a ten-minute explanation of his…

Do Democrats Win in 2020 With Investigations as a Prelude?

Probably not. On April 2, I wrote here that because the energy (if not the…

Republicans and Democrats Agree! All Hate Government Secrecy

Today (and every day) the practice of keeping the government's activities…

Mueller Madness

With the announcement on March 22 that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III…